* Parental Controls 可严格控制家中网络能够访问的站点类型(啥?今后想要浏览成人站点?先弄到路由器密码或者是你老爸的OpenDNS帐户密码再说吧!)
Keeping your family safe online has never been easier. OpenDNS gives you more than 50 filtering categories to choose from. Simply check the boxes of the categories you want to block and watch your filtering take effect within minutes.
* Faster, More Reliable Internet 这一优势在大陆并不明显,但是有一个很大的好处——电信网通如果想继续简简单单滴没啥技术水准滴霸道滴DNS劫持、以此来向咱们弹出广告,那就直接睡觉做梦去吧!
Rid your household of annoying, intermittent Internet outages. Switch to OpenDNS and immediately notice a faster, more reliable Internet experience. Join the millions who've already unbundled their DNS service from their ISP's Internet connection.
* Phishing Protection 避免被phishing站点欺骗!OpenDNS专门成立了phishtank这个站点,利用群众滴智慧抗击钓鱼欺骗。
Take the guesswork out of identifying phishing Web sites with OpenDNS's industry-leading anti-phishing service. We'll tell you when the site you're trying to visit is fraudulent.
* OpenDNS Guide 这就是OpenDNS滴一条主要赚钱渠道!所有无法被解析的词汇(如在浏览栏直接输入jtuki,然后回车,就会到达这个页面)都会被导向到opendns_guide页面(其实是对yahoo搜索的简单UI封装,试一试其他搜索类型,例如image就知道了),可见yahoo是OpenDNS的主要合作商!
Search results get you back on track when you mistype a URL or try to visit a site that's down. Our smart "did you mean?" spelling suggestions help point you in the right direction, instead of showing you a hard-to-understand error page.
* Customization
Add your favorite image and a custom message to the OpenDNS Guide and blocked pages to personalize the feel of OpenDNS for your household. Use different messages for different pages.
* Shortcuts 这一功能很不错!例如建立ge到www.google.com的映射、g到www.google.cn的映射。可以代替delicious的keyword功能(今后如果到了一个没有delicious插件滴机器上,倘若没法安装插件、但是可以修改DNS服务器,那么也凑活凑活可以玩shortcut方便方便了)。
Map short and easy-to-remember terms to your favorite Web sites with OpenDNS Shortcuts. Set up personal Shortcuts that work just for you, or Network Shortcuts that work for everyone in your household.
* Typo Correction 输入错误自动更正,例如输入www.googel.cm会将你直接导向www.google.com。
Don't let typos slow you down. We correct the most common ones automatically for you in the address bar. Using OpenDNS typo-correction will have everyone in your household zipping around the Internet.
* Top-Notch Support 如果啥地方不会设置,就翻forum和发email询问experts吧!
OpenDNS provides free email support. Get help setting up OpenDNS from the DNS experts.
针对ADSL用户,IP地址是每次连接自动分配一个(dynamic IP),针对dynamic IP滴openDNS设置请参考这里。
对于使用“tor”+“firefox”+“firefox滴插件foxyproxy”的用户——如果使用openDNS服务,那么请务必将foxyproxy滴“Global Setting”中滴“Use SOCKS proxy for DNS lookups”选项勾除,不然没法使用tor进行访问!