Thursday, December 18, 2008


前几天收到了来自 Rensselaer 的一封提醒类型的邮件「Application Reminders」,其中说
Please make sure that you have taken all required tests for your program.

 Communicate with faculty in your department of choice; let them know the
areas of research that interest you along with your educational and research

 Develop a Statement of Background and Goals that matches your academic goals, and
the focus of the program to which you are applying.

Submit your application and all supporting credentials to Rensselaer no later than
January 1, 2008, to be fully considered for admission, fellowships, and assistantships.

 FEE WAIVED - Complete this form and we will waive the $75 graduate application fee.
Please respond to the last question on the form by selecting "GRE".

 Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist you with the application process
or help you to connect with faculty in an area of interest.

那天还看得云里雾里,而且一方面是我根本就没有申请这学校(考 GRE 的时候也没有填这学校),另一方面通过 google 得知此校还并非「骗子集合体」,而是全美排名较为靠前的老牌学校。那么,他们是怎么搞到我的 email 地址的呢?不过既然没申请,也就罢了。谁知今天又来了一封邮件,说是「不好意思,发错了」,真是囧囧有神哪。

不禁让我想到之前订购 Intel 的 Developer's Manual 时,UPS 就把我的地址写成了 ZTE Shanghai R&D Center(中兴上海研发中心),最后几经辗转,才确认了我的正确地址,送到了我手上。这世上有些事情就是这么巧,如果我这次去找工作,恰好去了中兴,更有甚者恰好还去了他们的上海研发机构,那就真是巧上加巧了。 :D


  1. 啊,Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute是不是?我也收到了

  2. 对! 就是这个! 哈哈哈哈~ 看来是具有垃圾短信的性质~

  3. 测试一下自己设置的新头像..
